I named asteroid 3489 after my wife (and CAS member) Lottie. I was working with the Shoemakers at Palomar in the mid-80s as part of a class Gene taught at Caltech back then. We used hypered film disks on the 18” Schmidt camera and stereoscopic viewing to find it.
Ken Herkenhoff
Discovered 1998 Oct. 17 by the Lowell Observatory Near-Earth Object Search at the Anderson Mesa Station.
Joanna has an asteroid named after her as a volunteer docent in Lowell's public program,
Jonna has been familiar with the night sky since childhood, and a dedicated volunteer in Lowell Observatory's evening outreach programs since 2012. She enjoys using binoculars to teach visitors about the night sky.
"I was totally flabbergasted and delighted today, at a special luncheon that an asteroid (25226) Brasch was named for me by Lowell Observatory to commemorate my 10 years there as a volunteer in the public program, and for writing numerous magazines articles about astronomy and the Observatory's contributions therein. Several of the other long standing volunteers were similarly honored."
Klaus Brasch
Recent publications by Klaus:
These were awarded at the same Lowell Observatory volunteer luncheon as Klaus's award.