Anderson Mesa
Directions to Anderson Mesa
CCC SSG - Dark Sky Observing Site
Location: Lat.: N35° 06.017’ / Long.: W111° 32.184’ / Elev.: 6925’
From the Lone Tree campus of Coconino Community College
- Turn LEFT onto S. Lone Tree Road and Go 0.2 miles to the intersection at J.W. Powell Blvd.
- Turn RIGHT onto E. John W. Powell Blvd. and Go 1.0 mile to Lake Mary Road.
- Turn LEFT onto Lake Mary Road and Go 8.2 miles.
There is a brown sign on the right side of the road for “Marshall Lake” and “NPOI”.
- Turn LEFT shortly after the sign onto Coconino County 128.
(The identification for CC 128 only appears after you are on the road.)
CC 128 is a switch-back road going up the side of Anderson Mesa.
… From the Lake Mary Road onto CC 128 turn, Go 1.3 miles up the switch-back.
You will see a sign for “Marshall Lake” and “Lowell Observatory”.
- Turn RIGHT just before the sign, and head towards “Lowell Observatory”.
Go 0.3 miles up to the observing site at the top of the mesa.