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CAS - Klaus Brasch - Messier 64 with C11 & C14 Combo


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Messier 64 with C11 and C14 Combo

Here is my best shot of the Venus Moon conjunction this morning around 5 am and 15 degrees F. A bit of haze was evident (probably from wood burning stoves over homes across highway 89), but otherwise a spectacular view. Comet Catalina, though faintly visible about 5 degrees to the north east in 60 x 7 binoculars, was too washed out by moonlight to be recorded other than a dim blue blob in a 135 mm telephoto shot. This image was taken with by trusty old TMB-92 f/5.5 apochromatic refractor and the Canon 6D, 2 second exposure at ISO 400.

Klaus Brasch

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